致暨南大学国际学生关于新冠疫情防控的一封信 a letter to jnu international students on covid-pg电子游戏平台

致暨南大学国际学生关于新冠疫情防控的一封信 a letter to jnu international students on covid-19

发布时间:2020-03-19 17:57 来源:国际交流合作处新版中文网站

march 19, 2020

dear jnu international students,

as the covid-19 is spreading so fast around the world, we would like to express our sincere sympathies with all international students who continue the online learning during this difficult period. since the outbreak of the epidemic, jnu students, no matter where you are from, have given your strong support for china's fight and shown your understanding for the university's necessary epidemic control and prevention work. we highly appreciate your efforts.

your safety and welfare remain the university’s highest priority. since the world health organization has declared covid-19 as a global pandemic, we ask all jnu students to cooperate and follow these suggestions:

1. students are advised to maintain personal protection, keep social distance, wash hands frequently, wear masks and reduce unnecessary travel.

2. pursuant to government requirements, all jnu campuses are under quarantine. no student is allowed to return before receiving a resumption notice from an authorized official.

3. online learning is now fully implemented. students should continue to study with their teachers through the internet. 

4. international travel generally and travelling to china, specifically, is not advised. advance approval from the university is required before returning to china.

5. students who are already in china must file a report with the university including (1) your personal epidemic detection or testing, (2) the time and port of entering china, (3) your current residence and (4) contact number. all students must always follow the regulations and be cooperative with the local community or government officials.

for personal safety and public health considerations, we again encourage all international students who are still overseas not to return to china. please be ready and attentive to changing circumstances. do not make definitive traveling plans until further information can be provided. the leadership team of jnu wishes to express their sincere appreciation for the great support and close cooperation of all jnu students during this unprecedented crisis. we know this is a hard time for the jinan community. we have no fear but love. please know that we are thinking of your best interests and understand that we, administrators, teachers and staff, are working hard to maintain the high level of academic excellence you expect from jinan university. we are looking forward to seeing you all back on campus. again, thank you for your support and cooperation.

jinan university







  1. 请各位同学认真做好个人防护工作,保持社交距离,勤洗手,戴口罩,减少不必要的外出与出行。

  2. 暨南大学所有校区实行封闭管理,所有同学未接到返校通知前,均不得返校。

  3. 学校已全面开展网上教学,日常学习可通过网络进行。

  4. 不建议同学们进行国际旅行或返回中国,返回中国前,必须提前获得学校批准。

  5. 在此之前已入境中国的同学,须向学校汇报返回中国境内期间接受防疫检测的情况、入境时间与地点,在境内居住地点和联系电话,并配合当地政府开展申报和隔离措施。






